Jeg har fundet denne geinale anmeldelse, som jeg tænkte du ville have gavn af.
Den stammer fra en medarbejder fra, det er hans personlige arbejdes computer.
Her er hans opsummering:
- Beautiful high-density main display, and up to three screens.
- Screaming fast GPU that can handle the latest games on the highest detail settings.
- Fast, capable, and a ton of fun to drive.
- Built-in HD webcam that makes free video calls.
- No Blu-Ray.
- It gets hot – very hot. Not too hot to touch, but getting there. You can feel the heat on your face if you get within 18 inches. Great if you live in a cold country, not so good in the tropics.
It’s not cheap. You can buy an Asus Eee Top all-in-one from Walmart for $889 – less than half the price of the iMac. But trust me, it’s a POS (I used an earlier model for a while. Not even the kids would take it as a hand-me-down). The iMac’s not cheap, but it is money well spent.
- The GPU is the 6970M, a mobile graphics card, rather than the full 6970. Space and cooling is likely the limiting factor.
- All the ports are on the back. It makes for a nice neat front, but you have spin the machine around to plug anything in.
- No USB 3.0 or HDMI.
- The keyboard is tiny and there’s no forward delete button, which drives me nuts. It looks comically small cowering beneath the monster screen
Jeg ville gerne have sådan en :)
Han virker alt i alt meget tilfreds med computeren, i sær med de 3 skærme, måske er det der gjorde at den kunne erstatte hans gamle mac pro?
Han giver den 4,5/5 stjerner.
Du ville gerne have sådan en, men du gider ikke at opgraderer fra 2010 versionen?
Anders Bagnegaard
Min egen er en af verdens fedeste computere, det må være godt nok.